Understanding Illinois children’s journeys through state-supported early childhood programs and services.
Investigating how kindergarten readiness relates to Illinois children’s future outcomes and prior experiences.
Coming Soon
An evaluation of the state’s current Preschool Development Planning Grant (Birth to 5).
Coming Soon
Strategies that cultivate effective schools for different purposes and learners
The current study examines DC participation trends to increase DC opportunities for all students and close participation gaps.
Research on computer science education in the state
Maintaining a diverse, high-quality early childhood and K-12 workforce
In Partnership with the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE)
Trauma-informed responses to post-pandemic schooling
Research on computer science education in the state
Exploring Decision-Making Factors of Illinois High School Seniors
A series of literature reviews in partnership with the Latino Policy Forum
A collaboration between UIUC, UIC, Arts Alliance Illinois, DPI, and IWERC to research the Illinois creative workforce.
Exploring the diverse routes from high school to work.
Mapping Illinois’ equitable access and opportunity to education and workforce resources.