DPI’s Workforce Development is upskilling & re-skilling individuals for 21st-century jobs. Our North Star: Increase Chicago’s digital talent supply and drive representative economic growth in the region through innovative, mastery-oriented upskilling programs and student services designed to match student skills and career aspirations with company needs.
DPI’s Workforce Development is positioned to accelerate innovation and align the tech talent system to create a more equitable tech ecosystem.
Contact us if you are an employer in search of tech talent solutions, or an individual looking to enter into a tech field
Building a strong, equitable workforce means creating multiple on-ramps people can use to move up and within the workforce. DPI’s Workforce Development is impacting lives through system building. We are supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion within the tech industry by aligning key partnerships to provide underserved communities access to tech training, jobs, and further deep tech while connecting employers to the system and a new supply of talent.
DPI’s Pritzker Tech Talent Labs Software Development Program aims to reskill and upskill adult learners that are rethinking their careers. Our North Star: Increase Chicago’s digital talent supply and drive representative economic growth in the region through innovative, mastery-oriented upskilling programs designed to match student skills and career aspirations with company needs.
Apprenticeship is a symbiotic relationship, enabling tech companies to produce much-needed workers and participants to develop valuable skills at little to no cost. In this report DPI examines the literature on and statistics about tech apprenticeship and summarizes interviews with seven software development and cybersecurity focused apprenticeships from across the United States. Tech apprenticeships can increase company diversity, produce well-prepared tech workers, and secure a return on investment. Join us in transforming tech!
DPI’s Pritzker Tech Talent Labs Workforce Development Unit aims to reskill and upskill adult learners that are rethinking their careers. Our apprenticeship programs create pathways to occupational and financial stability, helping Illinois residents acquire the skills needed to adapt and thrive in the digital economy. Our North Star: Increase Chicago’s digital talent supply and drive representative economic growth in the region through innovative, mastery-oriented upskilling programs and student services designed to match student skills and career aspirations with company needs.
The Apprenticeship Fund mitigates unanticipated expenses or financial barriers that prevent individuals from participating in, or staying on-track with its programs. This fund provides assistance with a variety of needs, including food insecurity, professional attire, network building, transportation, and more.