Students in 6th through 8th grades participate in hands-on sessions to develop coding and designs for apps using Swift Playground – a powerful programming language created by Apple and used by tech professionals to build today’s most popular apps.
Digital Explorers: January 25, 2025-March 15, 2025
All applicants must be able to attend the Student and Parent/Caring Adult Orientation virtually on Thursday, January 16, 6pm.
During this virtual information session, you and your caring adults will get to learn about Digital Explorers, how our unique program works, learn key benefits for students, and have the opportunity to have your questions answered. Register for a session below! (Sessions will take place on the Zoom virtual meeting platform – a device, computer or phone, will be required)
Students and all caring adults are invited (family, mentors, teachers, counselors).
Click the links below to register for one of the following DE info sessions.
Monday, November 18, 6:00pm: Register Here
Monday, December 9, 6:00pm: Register Here