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Prior to the position at DPI, I was an associate research professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and a computational scientist in the Center for Research Computing at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, US. Before I moved to the US, I was a research associate in the Data-Intensive Research Group at the University of Edinburgh, UK, in the area of data-intensive workflows and in the Applied Bioinformatics Group at the University of Tübingen, Germany, in the area of science gateways and grid computing. Additionally, I have perennial experience as a project manager and system developer in industry in the US and Germany. As head of a system programmer group, I have led long-term software projects (e.g. infrastructure on web-based applications). I received my German diploma (equivalent to a Master’s degree) in computer science from extramural studies at the FernUniversität Hagen and my PhD in computer science from the University of Tübingen, Germany.

Research Interests

My research focuses on science gateways, computational workflows as well as distributed and parallel computing which inherently leads to highly interdisciplinary projects. I am the DPI team lead on the Wastewater Epidemiology project, for example. I am especially interested in sustainability of research software, usability of computational methods and reproducibility of research results and I support open science initiatives, i.e., I am an academic editor of PeerJ Computer Science and Frontiers. Sustainability of research software has many facets and I advocate for improving career paths for research software engineers and facilitators and for incentivizing their work via means beyond the traditional academic rewarding system. Community outreach and interdisciplinary events are crucial to contribute to changing academic culture. Thus, I am a founding steering committee member of the U.S. Research Software Engineer Association and founded and have guided the International Workshop on Science Gateways series. I am also passionate about increasing diversity in STEM.

Research Areas


  • Ph.D. in computer science, University of Tübingen, 2013
  • M.S. in computer science, FernUniversität Hagen, 2005 
  • Apprenticeship in Computer Science and Mathematics, Westfaelische University of Muenster, 1994


Awards and Honors

  • Chicago Innovation Award, 2022
  • M.S. in computer science, Summa Cum Laude, 2005


Additional Campus Affiliations

Visiting research professor, University of California, San Diego

In The News

Recent Publications

Tiwari, A., Prathiba A.P, Gesing, S., and Catlett, C. (2022) Investigating Persistence Surface Urban Heat Island (PSUHI) with respect to the Local Climate Zones (LCZs) in Chicago, USA AGU Fall Meeting 2022, December 2022

Packman, A.I., Poretsky, R., Owens,S., Catlett, C., Grippo, M., Tiwari, A., Shrestha, A., Dorevitch, S., Owen, C., Clements, L., Pierce, M., White, K.,  Gesing, S., Leisman, K., Morton, D., Hartmann, E., Chen, G., Warns, M., Mangan, N., Feng, S., Wells, G., Harkness, A., Jasmin, W., Hart, J. and Ghinai, I. (2022) Pandemic Intelligence: Linking Wastewater Infrastructure, Microbial Ecology, and Hydrological Time-Series Analysis to Provide Population-Level Information for COVID-19 Response AGU Fall Meeting 2022, December 2022

Pierce, M., Zentner, M., Dahan, M., Gesing, S., Stirm, C., Hayden, L.B. (2022) The Science Gateway Community Institute’s Consulting Services Program: Lessons for Research Software Engineering Organizations RSE-HPC-2022 at SC22, November 2022,

Kee, K.F., Gesing, S., Rugg, A., Bradley, S., Brandt, S.R., Meyers, N.K., Dombrowski, Q. (2022) Science Gateways and Humanities Is a Promising Partnership: Why Is It So Rare? Gateways 2022, October 2022

Gesing, S., Deelman, E., Ferreira da Silva, R., Hildreth, M., McDowell, M. A., Meyers, N., Thain, D. (2022) VisDict: A Visual Dictionary in a Science Gateway Gateways 2022, October 2022

Stirm, C., Zentner, M., Gesing, S. (2022) Revenue Generation for Science Gateways Gateways 2022, October 2022

Tiwari, A., Leisman, K., Shrestha, A., Poretsky, R., Owens, S., Dorevitch, S., Grippo, M., Packman, A.I., Gesing, S., Catlett, C. (2022) A Science Gateway for Wastewater-based Epidemiology – a Case Study of the World’s Largest Wastewater Treatment Plant in Chicago Poster at Gateways 2022, October 2022

Gesing, S. (2022) Roles of Professional Research Software Engineers in the Science Gateway Landscape Research Software Engineers in eScience (RSE-eScience-2022), October 2022

Hong, Neil P. Chue ; Katz, Daniel S. ; Barker, Michelle ; Lamprecht, Anna-Lena ; Martinez, Carlos ; Psomopoulos, Fotis E. ; Harrow, Jen ; Castro, Leyla Jael ; Gruenpeter, Morane ; Martinez, Paula Andrea ; Honeyman, Tom ; Struck, Alexander ; Lee, Allen ; Loewe, Axel ; Werkhoven, Ben van ; Garijo, Daniel ; Plomp, Esther ; Genova, Francoise ; Shanahan, Hugh ; Hellström, Maggie ; Sandström, Malin ; Sinha, Manodeep ; Kuzak, Mateusz ; Herterich, Patricia ; Islam, Sharif ; Sansone, Susanna-Assunta ; Pollard, Tom ; Atmojo, Udayanto Dwi ; Williams, Alan ; Czerniak, Andreas ; Niehues, Anna ; Fouilloux, Anne Claire ; Desinghu, Bala ; Goble, Carole ; Richard, Céline ; Gray, Charles ; Erdmann, Chris ; Nüst, Daniel ; Tartarini, Daniele ; Ranguelova, Elena ; Anzt, Hartwig ; Todorov, Ilian ; McNally, James ; Burnett, Jessica ; Garrido-Sánchez, Julián ; Belhajjame, Khalid ; Sesink, Laurents ; Hwang, Lorraine ; Tovani-Palone, Marcos Roberto ; Wilkinson, Mark D. ; Servillat, Mathieu ; Liffers, Matthias ; Fox, Merc ; Miljković, Nadica ; Lynch, Nick ; Lavanchy, Paula Martinez ; Gesing, Sandra; Stevens, Sarah ; Cuesta, Sergio Martinez ; Peroni, Silvio ; Soiland-Reyes, Stian ; Bakker, Tom ; Rabemanantsoa, Tovo ; Sochat, Vanessa ; Yehudi, Yo ; WG, FAIR4RS. (2022) FAIR Principles for Research Software (FAIR4RS Principles). Manchester output report.

Carver, J.C., Weber, N., Ram, K., Gesing, S., Katz, D.S.. (2022). A survey of the state of the practice for research software in the United States PeerJ Computer Science 8:e963,

Pierantoni, G., Kiss, T., Bolotov, A., Kagialis, D., Deslauriers, J., Ullah, A., Chen, H., Chan You Fee, D., Dang, H., Kovacs, J., Belehaki, A., Herekakis, T., Tsagouri, I. and Gesing, S. (2022) Towards a Reference Architecture based Science Gateway Framework with Embedded E-Learning Support Concurrency and Computation: Practice & Experience, January 2022

Gesing, S., Stirm, C., Klimeck, G., Zentner, L., Wang, S., Villegas Martinez, B.M., Diaz Eaton, C., Donovan, S., Zhao, L. , Song, C., Kim, I.L., Strachan, A., Zentner, M. and Kalyanam, R. (2022) Open Science via HUBzero: Exploring Five Science Gateways Supporting and Growing their Open Science Communities Proc. of HICSS-55 (55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences), Open Science Practices in Information Systems Research, January 2022,

Casanova, H., Deelman, E., Gesing, S., Hildreth, M., Hudson, S., Koch, W., Larson, J., McDowell, M. A., Meyers, N., Navarro, J.-L., Papadimitriou, G., Tanaka, R., Taylor, I., Thain, D., Wild, S. M., Filgueira, R., & Ferreira da Silva, R. (2021). Emerging Frameworks for Advancing Scientific Workflows Research, Development, and Education2021 IEEE Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS), 74–80.

Gesing, S., Dahan M., Hayden, L., Pierce, M., Stirm, C., and Zentner, M. (2021) SGCI: Advancing Access to Scientific Software via Science Gateways Improves the Trust within the Computational Sciences Landscape Workshop on the Science of Scientific-Software Development and Use, December 2021

Gesing, S., Carver, Jeffrey C., Cosden, I., Damerow, J., Ferenbaugh, C., Hill, C., Katz, D.S., Maimone, C., and Parsons, L. (2021) The US-RSE Association: Accelerating Changes in the Scientific-Computing Community to Improve Practices for Software Development and Use Workshop on the Science of Scientific-Software Development and Use, December 2021

Stirm, C., Gesing, S., Zentner, M., Klimeck, G., Zentner, L. and Dearborn, C. (2021) HUBzero’s Variations of Sustainability: From Simulation/Modeling Tools to Communities IWSG 2019 (11th International Workshop on Science Gateways), 12-14 June 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia CEUR Workshop Proceedings, online

Stankovski, V. and Gesing, S. (eds) (2021) IWSG 2019 – International Workshop on Science Gateways 2019 CEUR Workshop Proceedings, online

Andreev, A., Morrell, T., Briney, K., Gesing, S., and Manor, U. (2021), Biologists need modern data infrastructure on campus, URL:

Ferreira da Silva, R. , Casanova, H., Chard, K., Coleman, T., Laney, D., Ahn, D. H., Jha, S., Howell, D., Soiland-Reyes, S., Altintas, I., Thain, D., Filgueira, R., Babuji,Y. N., Badia, R. M., Balis, B., Caíno-Lores, S., Callaghan, S., Coppens, F., Crusoe,M. R., De, K., Natale, F. D., Do, T. M. A., Enders, B., Fahringer, T., Fouilloux, A.,Fursin, G., Gaignard, A., Ganose, A., Garijo, D., Gesing, S., Goble, C. A., Hasan,A., Huber, S., Katz, D. S., Leser, U., Lowe, D., Ludäscher, B., Maheshwari, K.,Malawski, M., Mayani, R., Mehta, K., Merzky, A., Munson, T. S., Ozik, J., Pottier,L., Ristov, S., Roozmeh, M., Souza, R., Suter, F., Tovar, B., Turilli, M., Vahi, K.,Vidal-Torreira, A., Whitcup, W. R., Wilde, M., Williams, A., Wolf, M. and Wozniak,J. M. (2021), Workflows community summit: Advancing the state-of-the-art ofscientific workflows management systems research and development CoRRabs/2106.05177. URL:

Gesing, S., Brandt, S., Bradley, S., Potkewitz, M., Kee, K., Whysel, N., Perri, M., Cleveland, S., Rugg, A. and Smith, J. (2021) A Vision for Science Gateways: Bridging the Gap and Broadening the Outreach Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 1, 1–8. DOI:

Neeman, H., Rivera, L., DeStefano, L., Al-Azzawi, H., Brunson, D., Clemins, P.J., Colbry, D., Frye, C., Gesing, S., Gyllinsky, J.V., Klimaszewski-Patterson, A., Phataralaoha, A., Price, T., Tanash, M. and Voss, D. (2021) An Evaluation of Cyberinfrastructure Facilitators Skills Training in the Virtual Residency Program Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 53, 1–7. DOI:

Gesing, S., Meyers, N., Johnson, R. and Wang, J. (2021) PresQT Services – A Path Forward for Connecting Platforms While Increasing Quality and FAIRness of Data and Software US-RSE Virtual Workshop 2021

Gesing, S., Stirm, C., Zentner, M. (2021) HUBzero – Achieving Software Sustainability for a Science Gateway Framework Collaborations Workshop 21, March 30 – April 1, 2021

Gesing, S., Meyers, N., Johnson, R. and Wang, J. (2021) PresQT – Services to Improve Re-use and FAIRness of Research Data and Software Collaborations Workshop 21, March 30 – April 1, 2021

Carver, J., Cosden, I., Hill, C., Gesing, S., Katz, D.S.(2021) Sustaining Research Software via Research Software Engineers and Professional Associations ICSE 2021 BokSS Workshop, June 2021, arXiv:2103.01880 [cs.SE]

Katz, D., Carver, J., Chue Hong, N., Gesing, S., Hettrick, S., Honeyman, T., Ram, K., Weber, N. (2021) Addressing Research Software Sustainability via Institutes ICSE 2021 BokSS Workshop, June 2021, arXiv:2103.03690 [cs.SE]

Stirm, C., Snodgrass, N., Gesing, S., Zentner, M. (2021) Minisymposterium: Establishing Online Science Communities – Three Science Gateway Examples SIAM CSE21, March 2021

Parsons, L., Cosden, I., Carver, J., Ferenbaugh, C., Gesing, S., Hill, C., Katz, D.S., Maimone, C., Perr-Sauer, J. (2021) Minisymposterium: Sustainable Software through Stronger Community  SIAM CSE21, March 2021

Tettegah, S., Gesing, S., Ferreira da Silva, R., Jiang, Y., Craig, A.B. (2021) How to Enhance Diversity in Software Engineering Teams? SIAM CSE21, March 2021

Cosden, I., Carver, J., Ferenbaugh, C., Gesing, S., Hill, C., Katz, D.S., Maimone, C., Parsons, L., Perr-Sauer, J. (2021) The US-RSE Association: A Community-Driven National Organization of Research Software Engineers SIAM CSE21, March 2021

Ferreira da Silva, R. Gesing, S., Sakellariou, R., Taylor, I. (eds.) (2021) Special issue on workflows in support of large-scale science  Future Generation Computer Systems, volume 118, 2021, Pages 73-74

Austin CC, Bernier A, Bezuidenhout L, Bicarregui J, Biro T, Cambon-Thomsen A, Carroll SR, Cournia Z, Dabrowski PW, Diallo G, Duflot T, Garcia L, Gesing, S., Gonzalez-Beltran A, Gururaj A, Harrower N, Lin D, Medeiros C, Méndez E, Meyers N, Mietchen D, Nagrani R, Nilsonne G, Parker S, Pickering B, Pienta A, Polydoratou P, Psomopoulos F, Rennes S, Rowe R, Sansone SA, Shanahan H, Sitz L, Stocks J, Tovani-Palone MR, Uhlmansiek M (2020) Research Data Alliance. Fostering global data sharing: highlighting the recommendations of the Research Data Alliance COVID-19 working group.Wellcome Open Res. 2020 Nov 9;5:267. doi: 10.12688/wellcomeopenres.16378.1. PMID: 33501381; PMCID: PMC7808050.

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