Human behavior is an important driving force shaping conditions in urban areas. Urban leaders can use policies as toolsto nudge that behavior to produce more sustainable conditions. Resilience plans for all businesses is one step that will improve sustainability. Waste disposal and recycling is dictated entirely by urban policy. Distributive energy systems may also be part of the solution in certain situations. Building codes are greatly out of date to the conditions today in terms of both size of the cities as well as exposure to acute and chronic stressors. Building codes can reduce stormwater runoff and urban heat-island effects. Targeted subsidies can put healthier food in low-income areas. Dark sky regulations can eliminate light pollution and save energy. Subsidies to promote electric vehicles, bike and ride sharing, and mass transit can alter transportation patterns. Policy experts in Illinois CURES will design urban policies for heterogeneous settings that help to produce successful sustainable urban futures. Policy and regulatory driven sustainability initiatives have the potential to see rapid deployment by 5 to 7years over allowing early adoption and market drivers to lead new technology integration.